Thursday, February 12, 2009

Hello Kitty

Believe it or not, there is a kitty out there cuter than ours. It's this one. I have always loved Hello Kitty.

MAC cosmetics has teamed up with Hello Kitty and it's the cutest line of make up ever. Just thought you should know.

MAC, you can thank me later for the free advertising.
Find it Here.


Deedra said...

It seems you may have spent some time in Japan in a prior life... :) JK, Hello Kitty is cute, sort of.

Merri Hackett said...

no way, nothing could be cuter that soy toy. HELLLLOOOO KITTY! buy me some mac makeup and then i'll give you my two cents on the makey make ok?

Merri Hackett said...

now that I think of it Deeds back when I lived with Yuki, Hitomi and Judy Lani did like to hang out with us a lot.

PB and JS said...

Hey where are the pics of sweet cheeks, and pink?