Thursday, August 21, 2008

White and Nerdy.

Let's be honest, I don't really know what the point of this post is. Mostly it's just that Jesse and I and his parents somehow got on the subject of Donny Osmond tonight. So I guess it's only appropriate that I share my DO moments with the world.

Last year, this man you see here spoke at the Orem Institute of Religion. I was listening to Soldier of Love the whole way there to get myself pumped for the experience. He had recently finished his music video with Wierd Al Yankovic (please watch it on the right of my screen!). And he somehow spent almost the whole hour relating that video to the gospel. ha ha it was nuts but really entertaining. It was a really big stretch, but I guess he tied his celerity moment into the church.

Anyway his whole thing was that he was so nervous to do the video with Wierd Al. But he decided once he got there to just let loose and everyone loved it. And that is how we might feel about sharing info about the church. We might be nervous but we need to just relax and do it. Like I said, kind of a stretch but look at that smile; it's an hour and a half of my life I don't ever want to replace.
These are pictures of Cat and myself in Donny's backyard a couple of years ago. And yes, those are his golden records in the background- he's a little bit country (jesse tells me he was actually a little bit rock and roll. what can ya do) and a soldier of love.

How did I have these connections you might ask? You will see Brandon Osmond to the right of me. Well there you have my celebrity moment I'm still living 2 years later. Jealous of all my celebrity action Annette? :)


Unknown said...

Wow, I didn't know you had such great connections Lea...

PB and JS said...

You make me Laugh. I told you Donny married my dad's cousin right? The Osmond Boys always practiced on us at our family reunions. Some family's do Karaoke we got quality entertainment for free. Now when I go to the little Jolley parties their little girls sing. Umm their not so good, but maybe with more practice in 10 years they will be the Osmond Girls.

PB and JS said...

OK I watched your videos and that is hilarious. I can't believe he moves so well for how old he is.

Deedra said...

I love that Donny! What a stud and he deserves a post for spreading the gospel through Weird Al.

Merri Hackett said...

And all the girls say I'm pretty fly for a white guy.