Monday, August 25, 2008

Dancing with the Stars

I've never religiously watched Dancing with the Stars before, but I have always wanted too. And this season there are a lot of stars that I actually know and I really wanna get addicted! The celeb I am most excited for is volleyball olympian Misty May-Trainor. It starts in 28 days so I'm counting down and hopefully it will work into my schedule or we're going to have to invest in Tivo:)


Things I love said...
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Brady and Taryn said...

I've never been in to dancing w/ the start either, but I love Misty May! She's just crazy enough to be cool. Did you see her watchin the boys volleyball with a giant chinese hat on? Not caring that no one around her could see anything cause of the hat.

PB and JS said...

You need Tivo, or a DVR or something. Tell Jesse it is as important as a Nintendo Wii. I wonder if you could just use our DVR's from back when we had dish? You should find out.

Staci said...

Happy belated birthday!! I've been the biggest slacker of al time! Thank you for my cd by the way..just in case I forgot to tell you that! I'm excited to see Kardashian..that will be interesting!! I'd love to see ya sometime, so don't be a stranger!

Deedra said...

I thought the cast this season seems pretty cool too. I mean, who doesn't love Susan Lucci. I thank mom for that. :)

JeRiCa said...

I am obsessed with this show. Its the best thing in the world! And you will make time in your schedule no matter what even if it means dropping David McArhturs class.

Merri Hackett said...

I love dancing w/ the stars i've watched the last 2 seasons and it's the best.

W.H. said...

Better invest in Tivo chica- of course then you'll be addicted to everything and you might not have time for anything else!

PB and JS said...

where is your tta?