Don't ask me, I can't resist it. Jessica and I saw it last night and now I want to buy the soundtrack (or ABBA cd or burn Jessica's), see the show in Vegas, and probably see this movie again.
If you like Moulin Rouge, Dreamgirls, Hairspray, or movies that are good- You'll love this.
p.s. I had no idea they sang "Take a chance on me". I mean I have only heard the Alvin and the Chipmunks version, so I just figured it was them that created it. I was obviously way off.
I saw Mamma Mia in New York on Broadway my junior year of high school! They actually came and danced in the aisles and by the end of the show they had the whole audience standing up and dancing! You should totally see it in Vegas!
Lets do a girls trip! PB is going on a guys trip to Chicago for a NFL game. Maybe we should go to New York, or Vegas. He will owe me one.
Which pilates class do you go to? 6am or 4:30pm? and are you going this Tues?
hahaha, i just noticed that i am under brady's blog account that he made for school. this is taryn, but maybe I can get brady to come to pilates too...
I went to see this tonight too...and I LOOOOOVVVVVED it! It was super cute! I just wanted to sing along and now I want the soundtrack to the movie too! I just thought if I was cruising in my car it would be awesome to be jamming out to those tunes...loved it!
Well I love all of those movies so I guess I better go. I wasnt planning on it but you have definetly changed my mind!
You jerk! I can't believe you saw this without me!
Dang girl. That's so early... I could definitely do that in the future, but my sleep wake cycle just ain't there yet. I'm going to go to the 4:30 one tomorrow and see if I am physically able to comprehend/do what they ask of me. If so, then I might get my body to start doing the early class. Also, are we having international tuesday this tues? and I apologize that you have 8 comments on here and 12 of them are from me...
i'm hurt and I think you know why. whose fav movie is dream girls??? of course it's mine, why wasn't i invited? jk only a jokester. i want to borrow mulon roughe, i've never seen it.
Deeds & I are going to go see this on the 8th or 9th. Anyone want to join us?
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