I stole this from Suzanna's blog, the questions were kind of funny, like which animal do I connect most with? none of them. Anyway here is the result! I am a boy I guess.
I got High Hills... Um I think these things are crap. They are never right. I changed one question that I couldn't decide the answer and it sounded more like me. It was that little high top sneaker( can't remember the name).
Hahaha this is so not true! Just because you run your little butt off everyday does NOT mean you hate your hair!
Mine said I was ballet shoes...I couldn't even post it because it was too unbelievable.
I got High Hills... Um I think these things are crap. They are never right. I changed one question that I couldn't decide the answer and it sounded more like me. It was that little high top sneaker( can't remember the name).
Everytime I put Tayson's shoes on now the words "sneaker, sneaker bo beaker" pops into my head. Thanks.
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